Love in Quarantine: Gratitude is as easy as 3-2-1


Many of us have been following a Stay Home, Stay Safe order from our state’s governors for at least a month. 

For some of us, it’s already been six weeks of quarantine, and there isn’t a clear end in sight. 

Our anxiety is high. Our emotional energy is drained. And we all need help to figure out what to do when we are feeling totally flattened by the way of the world right now. 

Of course, we don’t have all the answers, but we do have several practical strategies you can use to reduce your anxiety as we’re house-bound and perhaps going a little stir-crazy. 

Rather than take out your stress and worry out on your partner and your family, try this instead:

Practice 3-2-1

How It Works

In your mind – or on paper if you’re so inclined – make a list of: 

  • 3 things you’re thankful for

  • 2 people you love

  • 1 compliment for yourself

Why It Works

Practicing 3-2-1 focuses your brain on gratitude. 

The effects of gratitude – especially when you take time every day to meditate on what you’re thankful for – are similar to the effects of antidepressant medications. 

Because practicing gratitude releases serotonin and dopamine, which are the same neurotransmitters antidepressants stimulate. These two neurotransmitters are responsible for our emotions and make us, frankly, feel good. 

So, when we practice gratitude every day, we solidify our neural pathways to focus on the positives in and around us. 

We can train our brains to focus on what’s good. 

Focusing ourselves on what’s good reduces anxiety and stress, and helps us keep whatever life throws at us in perspective. 

Anxiety is our body’s way of alerting us to danger, and practicing gratitude allows us to keep our fears in check so that our brains and bodies can understand the difference between, say, being chased by a tiger and having to stay home during Stay Home, Stay Safe order. 

The point is that both of these situations are stressful, but there are ways to manage anxiety in the here-and-now of quarantine. 

And today, it might just be as easy as 3-2-1. 

Want more relationship help? Download our free guide covering the most common brick walls relationships deal with and how to break through them. 

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