Meet The Couples Success Experts


Sarah Ferman, Licensed Marriage And Family Therapist


Dr. Robert Wilford, C linical Psychologist


Relationships Are Key To Your
Success & Lifestyle

Dr. Robert Wilford and Sarah Ferman, LMFT,

Relationshionships Are Key to YOUR Success and Lifestyle!

Dr. Wilford is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in Couples, and Sarah is a Licensed Family and Marriage Therapist specializing in Couples and ADHD. Together they help couples align their goals so they can enjoy BOTH success AND happiness.

Couples Success Mission is to Inspire, Illuminate, Educate & Provide Hope for Relationships to have Mutual Fun, Respect, and Love!

They have helped over 35,000 individuals and couples heal and strengthen their important connections and overcome their relationship blocks and triggers.

They discovered that five unconscious relationship beliefs impact 90% of the population.

Knowing YOUR Relationship communication style is the first step to growing your relationship and finally having the connection you always wanted.

How satisfied are you and your partner in your relationship?

Maintaining a strong love relationship is easier than losing weight. You can avoid the diet yo-yo by maintaining your weight, and so is it with maintaining your love relationship.

Couples Success offers relationship and marriage workshops, online courses, tips, and products that are easy, relevant, and work faster than traditional methods. Dr. Robert and Sarah have over 30 years of science-backed research & real-life SUCCESS STORIES and can help your situation, including:

  • Married: Regardless for three years or 30 years and want to improve, maintain or deepen a strong love relationship

  • Dating: for the long term and want to enjoy the benefits of a healthy relationship

  • Single: and would like to enjoy satisfying, close relationships without drama

  • Engaged or Newly Committed: Start on the right path towards a satisfying love connection

  • Divorced or Considering Divorce: Take action quickly, time is not on your side.

The techniques we’ve developed have helped couples rebuild trust, communication, and love... and revive marriages that have gone past the point of what feels like the end...

You’ll experience scientifically based, issue-focused discovery, practical techniques, and real activities to get lasting results right from your first day.  

With Live, like-live and pre-recorded online workshops, coaching, digital courses, accountability, and answers for your situation. Help is easier than ever- just pop in your earbuds and open your laptop. Instead of playing phone tag, just visit and get ready to find what has been missing in your important relationships.

Ready To Take Your Relationship To The Next Level
with a
Love So Strong That NOTHING Can Tear It Apart?

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them.
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We hope we will have the opportunity to meet in the near future!

We hope this year is proving to be your best, and we look forward to celebrating your victories.

To Your Success,

Dr. Robert and Sarah
Award Winning Couples Experts & Coaches

What our programs are NOT:
NOT emotionally based
NOT spouse-focused
NOT in-person counseling




THE strength OF YOUR important connections and overcoming relationship blockers and triggers that everyone has as part of your unique life.

For the past 15 years

Dr. Robert and Sarah LMFT have helped over 35,000 individuals and couples heal and strengthen their important connections and overcome their relationship blockers and triggers.

Dr. Robert and Sarah have developed scientific research-proven assessment and therapy for couples that work faster than traditional counseling, the Couples Success Method.

They have perfected the method by working with real couples seen at their brick-and-mortar practice in Encino, CA., zoom, and online at

They focus and specialize in couples who want healthy love, deeper connection, and deeper relationships. They are also certified couples experts in marriages and couples where one or both have ADHD.