Love in Quarantine: Going Stir Crazy?


The world has been hit hard by the Coronavirus. We’re in a season of quarantine and isolation to hamper its spread, and that means we’re at home with our spouses, families, and pets day in and day out for several weeks. 

Many of us are working from home and helping our kids with distance learning, and we’re expected to be productive in this anxious, awkward, and worried season – and we’re expected to be kind while we manage all of our tasks and emotions. 

So, we have a question  –

Are you going stir crazy?

Likely, your brain is feeling a little mushy right now. You are probably not feeling as sharp as you are when you aren’t in your house 24/7. 

That’s because your brain craves structure. 

The human brain simply cannot handle a lack of structure. Your brain cannot tolerate not knowing what’s coming next, and it will use precious “hardware” space consumed by figuring out what’s coming next when there is no plan in place. 

Your brain is “mushy” because it’s wasting all its precious energy on a routine that doesn’t exist right now. 

You can fix this by putting even a simple routine in place every day: 

  1. Set a time that you wake up. 

  2. Set a time that you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

  3. Schedule a time that you take a break in the afternoon, and if you can, go outside and get some fresh air. 

By setting up even this simple bit of routine, your brain is then freed up to focus on the things you need to accomplish, instead of fretting about what’s coming next. 

This time of quarantine doesn’t mean you have to lose your mind. 

 Give yourself permission for your life to look different right now, but plan for what you can. 


Find us at for more information on how to keep your marriage on track in this time of uncertainty.

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